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当皮特开始关注一个生活在巴西的年轻女孩的日常生活时,他决定让他窥淫癖的一面大放异彩。 当她在家乡僻静的海滩上游泳、骑自行车和吃她最喜欢的食物时,她生活中的每一刻都被捕捉下来。即使是私人时刻也不是秘密,因为相机偷偷拍下了这位享受轻快的早晨淋浴的甜美美女。 也许巴西可爱的女人与我们其他人并没有什么不同。但话又说回来,正常人什么时候看起来这么好过?
Petter decided to let his voyeuristic side shine through when he began to follow the day to day life of a young girl living in Brazil.
Every moment is captured from her life as she swims on the secluded beaches of her homeland, rides her bike, and eats her favorite food. Even the private moments are no secret as the camera sneaks a peak at this luscious beauty enjoying a brisk morning shower.
Perhaps the lovely women of Brazil aren’t all that different from the rest of us. But then again, when did being normal ever look this good?
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