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从内部观看性高潮。 从开头的梦幻般的场景到艾米丽蜷缩在高潮后的欢乐球中的最后一幕,这部电影很特别。但真正独一无二的是 11 分 45 秒后发生的事情。 仔细观察,你会发现她的内部肌肉正在失控地抽搐。 这是难得一见的女性身体在高潮时刻的一瞥。这简直是不容错过的。
Watch an orgasm from the inside.
From the opening dream like sequence to the final scene of Emily curled up in a post orgasmic ball of joy, this film is something special. But it’s what happens after 11mins 45secs that makes it truly unique.
Watch closely and you’ll see her internal muscles convulsing out of control.
This is a rare glimpse of the female body at the very moment of climax. And it’s simply unmissable.
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