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特此邀请您坐在第一排座位,参加由摄影师 PETTER HEGRE 执导的独家色情照片会议。 TOP MODEL GRACE 占据了中心舞台,因为 PETTER 将带领您完成成功研究女性形象所需的许多步骤。从灯光和摄像机的装配和放置到模型方向,一切都在这里可视化。以及 PETTER 在其杰出的裸体摄影师职业生涯中掌握和发展的技巧。 以 4K 拍摄,特别注重细节,让一切变得不同,这几乎就像身临其境!
You are hereby invited to a first row seat at an exclusive erotic photo session directed by photographer PETTER HEGRE.
TOP MODEL GRACE takes centre stage as PETTER leads you through the many steps required to create a successful study of the female figure. From the rigging and placing of lights and cameras to model direction, it’s all visualised here. As well as the tricks of the trade that PETTER has picked up and developed during his outstanding career as a nude photographer.
Shot in 4K with a special focus on the fine details that make all thedifference, this is practically like being there!
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