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在 HEGRE 的第 962 部电影中,我们实现了 Hera 的秘密幻想,即与我们的两个男模特进行三角恋。在电影中。 这也是HERA与迈克的首次约会。而当他们彼此越来越亲密时,瑞克却不经意地溜进了画面…… 为一些热门事物做好准备:这是一个即时经典!
In HEGRE’s 962nd movie we fulfil Hera’s secret fantasy of having a ménage à trois with two of our male models. On film.
This is also HERA’s first ever rendezvous with Mike. And as they get more and more intimate with each other, Rick slips casually into the picture...
Prepare yourself for some hot stuff: This is an instant classic!
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