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在社交距离和旅行限制的这些日子里,很高兴知道还有其他地方可以探索和结识新女孩。毫无拘束。 日本/菲律宾裸体模特HIROMI邀请您成为她的旅行伴侣,前往泰国普吉岛一个安静而隐蔽的海滩进行性感旅行。充满异国情调、梦幻而独特的海滩是与我们最炙手可热的亚洲新模特之一度过亲密假期的理想场所。而你所冒的唯一风险就是坠入爱河…… 这部电影由 PETTER HEGRE 于今年早些时候在普吉岛取景制作并执导,旨在让您感觉良好。而且你会。
In these days of social distancing and travel restrictions, it feels good to know there are still alternative places to explore and new girls to meet. With no inhibitions at all.
Japanese/Philippine nude model HIROMI invites you to be her travel companion on a sexy trip to a quiet and secluded beach in Phuket, Thailand. Exotic, dreamy and exclusive, the beach is just the ideal location for an intimate holiday with one of our hottest new Asian models. And the only risk you are taking is falling in love...
Produced and directed by PETTER HEGRE on location in Phuket earlier this year, this is a film made to make you feel good. And you will.
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