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Iris 很酷,苗条,精致。 她具有 1940 年代好莱坞女演员的微妙神秘之美,如劳伦·白考尔 (Lauren Bacall) 那样,带着淡淡的微笑和睿智迷人的眼睛。在雅尔塔一个温暖的夏日,在旅馆的床上赤身裸体,柔和的窗光为她的红发染上了色彩,海格瑞带着电影摄影机的短暂访问就像我们非常希望她制作的故事片的预告片。 不要错过!
Iris is cool, svelte, sophisticated.
She has the subtle mysterious beauty of a Hollywood actress from the 1940s, a Lauren Bacall with her faint smile and wise beguiling eyes. In a hotel bed naked, on a warm summer day in Yalta, the soft window light colours her red hair and Hegre's short visit with the movie camera is like the trailer to the feature film we would dearly love her to make.
Don’t miss out!
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