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他们说我们的身体就是我们的太阳穴,贾娜非常重视这句话。毕竟,华丽的身材是要保养、培养,甚至崇拜的。 在一部会让你重新思考你让过期的健身房会员资格的电影中; Jana 告诉我们,锻炼不仅可以带来乐趣,还可以带来高度感官享受。在她的镜像前进行抬腿,我们见证了完美身材的形成。 与 Jana 一起观看这部独一无二的电影,感受燃烧的 Hegre 风格。
They say our bodies are our temples, a phrase that Jana takes quite seriously. After all, a gorgeous figure must be maintained, cultivated, even worshiped.
In a film that will make you re-think that gym membership you let expire; Jana teaches us that exercise can not only be fun, but highly sensual as well. Performing leg lifts in front of her mirror image, we witness a perfect body in the making.
Join Jana in this one of a kind film and feel the burn Hegre style.
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