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杰莎住在菲律宾,这是一个由 7,500 多个岛屿组成的群岛。她的生活,以及她所在国家的生活,都被环绕在他们周围的美丽、温暖、波光粼粼的海洋所定义。 这使她成为可爱的海滩生物。当她沿着沙滩行走,在一棵倒下的树上摆姿势,从她的西装上滴下来时,你可以看到它。她就像海豚和鹈鹕一样属于这里。 来和 Jessa 在海滩上度过一个裸体的一天。她有很多东西要向您展示,因为相机会拉近以捕捉她每一个闪闪发光的秘密。最后,你会看到她真实的样子——像大海一样自由。
Jessa lives in the Philippines, an archipelago made up of over 7,500 islands. Her life, and the life of her nation, is defined by the beautiful, warm, sparkling ocean that surrounds them.
It has made her the lovely beach creature that she is. And you can see it as she walks along the sand, poses on a downed tree, dribbles off her suit. She belongs here as much as the porpoises and the pelicans.
Come spend a naked day at the beach with Jessa. She has so much to show you, as the camera zooms in tight to catch her every shimmering secret. In the end, you will see her as she truly is – as free as the sea.
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