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唤醒感官的最佳方式 你无法束缚自由精神。那是因为这些人不像我们其他人那样觉得有必要从众。 Karina 不在乎别人的评价,只想按照自己的方式探索世界。而今天,这意味着像她出生那天一样赤身裸体地在海浪中漫步。 为什么?因为她想要活着的感觉。她想感受凉爽的微风拂过她的皮肤;她裸露的屁股上的沙子;水在她的双腿间飞溅。 她想让你看……你想看吗?
The best way to awaken your senses
You can’t shackle a free-spirit. That’s because those people don’t feel the need to conform, like the rest of us do. Unconcerned by the judgement of others, Karina simply wants to explore the world on her terms. And today, that means a stroll through the surf as naked as the day she was born.
Why? Because she wants to feel alive. She wants to feel the cool breeze on her skin; the sand on her bare bum; the water splashing between her legs.
And she wants you to watch… Do you want to?
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