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身体的完美需要痛苦。 您已经享受了完美流畅的结果。但是你从来没有看过这个程序。一半是折磨,一半是快乐,这不适合胆小的人。通常闭门进行的热蜡护理让您大饱眼福。 健身房的时间、严格的美容制度、饮食——与此相比,这些都算不了什么。 Milena 为美丽做出了最终的牺牲。你有勇气去看吗?试着把你的眼睛移开。
Physical Perfection Demands Pain.
You’ve enjoyed the perfectly smooth result. But you’ve never watched the procedure. Part torture, part pleasure, this is not for the faint of heart. Feast your eyes on the hot wax treatment usually performed behind closed doors.
The hours in the gym, the strict beauty regimes, the diets – they’re all nothing compared to this. Milena makes the ultimate sacrifice for beauty. Are you brave enough to watch? Just try and tear your eyes away.
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