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Hegre.com の会員料金
1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!
インドには、世界で最も古い文明の 1 つがあります。また、おそらく他のどの製品よりも美の創造と維持に力を注いでいます。実際、インドでは、美学は単なる芸術形式ではありません。それは宗教です。
Petter と彼女がこの南国の地で一緒に仕事をしているのを見るのは本当に魅力的です。そして、セレナが現れ、彼女とヌナが最初の集まりを繰り返すので、それはさらに良くなります.アメリカの自由な精神とインドの天使 - この 2 つの間の情熱は、見ていてとても素晴らしく、毎日に喜びと光をもたらします。
India has one of the oldest civilizations in the world. And it’s also perhaps more dedicated to the creation and preservation of beauty than any other. In fact, in India, aesthetics is not just an art form. It’s a religion.
So Nuna – beautiful, naked, spiritual - fits right in. With her deep dark glistening skin, her captivatingly long black hair, and her tight powerful yet delicate body, she is a living image of the “Indian Goddess” that one sees on so many temples. She will take you to heaven.
Watching Petter and her work together here in the tropical lands is truly mesmerizing. And then it gets even better, because Serena shows up, and she and Nuna do a repeat of their first get-together. The passion between these two – the American free spirit and the Indian angel – is just so wonderful to watch, it will bring joy and light to your day.