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将 Radka 称为激烈有点轻描淡写。 拥有能洞穿男人内心的眼神和瓷娃娃般完美的身体,无论在什么场合,拉德卡的存在都让人瞩目。在 Petter Hegre 的巴黎工作室里,Radka 坐在设计师设计的椅子上,在丰富的色彩和精心制作的线条和形状的背景下展现了这一切。 就像她躺在上面的家具一样,她在镜头前的每一个动作都是为了一个目标而精心设计的;诱惑你的身心。
To call Radka intense is a bit of an understatement.
With eyes that can pierce into a man’s very heart and a body as perfect as a porcelain doll, Radka’s very presence commands attention in any situation. Posing on a designer chair in Petter Hegre’s Paris studio, Radka bares it all amid the back drop of rich colors and carefully crafted line and shape.
Like the furniture she lays upon, every move she makes before the camera is carefully crafted with one goal in mind; to seduce your body and mind.
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