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斯塔莎刚刚醒来。但她已经被唤醒了。她一直在做的梦还历历在目。 它融入了她开始唤起的清醒幻想。她的手指在分开的双腿之间滑动。她找到自己最敏感的部位,并热切地探索它们。斯塔莎的欲望此刻变得更加强烈。很快她就能从各个角度感受自己。她温柔的手指伸向下方、背后和内部。 她的梦想实现只是时间问题。
Stasha has just woken up. But she is already aroused. The dream she has been enjoying is still vivid.
It blends into the waking fantasy that she starts to conjure up. Her fingers slide between her parted legs. She finds her most sensitive parts and eagerly explores them. Stasha’s lust become stronger by the moment. Soon she is feeling herself from every angle. Her tender fingers reach beneath, behind and within.
It is only a matter of time until her dream comes true.
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