I like how you (the team) took key moment and made them into BW shots. nice touch.........its a good reminder of we are seeing what peter is seeing and he was capturing the key moments as this footage was being shot. and of course the girls look fantastic.....(which is a given). Best, Site Member
The B&W shots are great! Unfortunately, all the panning and zooming with the accompanied 'jumping' of the camera almost gave me motion sickness. I thought that the composition and was very good and the ladies were just beautiful. I recognize the difficulty of filming outdoors with natural light, but, the graininess of the motion picture compared to the crispness of the stills made me long for a still to come along. I applaud your creativity and adventure in this effort. Perhaps a steadier hand, slower pace, and stronger lighting to assist the camera as it wends your magic will hone these new techniques so they can become a welcome complement to your beautiful subjects. Please, Please keep these efforts coming!