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Suzie 是一名来自布达佩斯的音乐系学生。 她在一家学生咖啡馆里靠自己的方式演奏,并且习惯了成为一名伟大音乐家所需的痛苦练习时间。苏西也很认真地做模特,有人会说,这是她的另一根弦,在酒店回忆中,她像一只懒猫一样伸展着四肢,在床单上扭来扭去,给我们看背影,好甜,好可爱,这个奖品本身就好像是为了一个愉快的打屁股。 苏西是一个相信纪律的女孩。
Suzie is a music student from Budapest.
She makes her way playing in a student café and is used to the punishing hours of practise it requires to be a great musician. Suzie takes modelling seriously, too, another string to her bow, one might say, and in Hotel Memories she stretches her limbs like a lazy cat, twisting and turning on the bed sheets to show us a rear view, so sweet, so cute, this prize asset presents itself as if for a jolly good spanking.
Suzie is a girl who believes in discipline.
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