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当我们向我们的成员介绍 Taya 时,我们指出了她超模的品质。但是这部电影表明这是一种轻描淡写的说法。 Taya 不仅仅是一位超级名模——她是一位如此美丽的地中海女神,她值得拥有自己的岛屿。 在这种情况下,那个岛就是塞浦路斯,多亏了电影的魔力,塔亚似乎独自一人,在沙滩上玩耍,在悬崖上蹦蹦跳跳,在游泳池里游泳。她修长优雅的身躯在阳光下闪闪发光,召唤着你,她忠实的追随者,加入她的行列。 是的,女神降临了。她正在寻找可以爱的凡人,因为她听说人类崇拜的蜜糖比天堂里的任何东西都甜美。来到塞浦路斯海岸,开启神话般的旅程。
When we introduced Taya to our members, we pointed out her supermodel qualities. But this film shows that was an understatement. Taya is more than a supermodel – she is a Mediterranean Goddess so gorgeous that she deserves her very own island.
In this case, that island is Cyprus, and thanks to the magic of film, Taya seems to be all alone, playing on the beach, bouncing about the bluffs, swimming in the pool. Her long, elegant body glistening in the sun, calling you, her devoted followers, to join her.
Yes, the goddess has descended. She is looking for mortals to love, for she has heard the honey of human adoration is sweeter than anything they have in heaven. Come to the shores of Cyprus, and let the mythic journey begin.
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