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HEGRE 的第 1009 部电影都是关于取悦男性器官的。并向纯粹的欲望致敬。 欢迎来到完全专注于性快感的色情按摩。由艺术大师表演,阴茎以所有可以想象(和不可想象)的方式被感官呵护和搔痒,直到达到绝对满足的终极水平。 由 PETTER HEGRE 在他自己的快乐神殿拍摄和导演,这是您体验真正的公鸡崇拜的神奇时刻的机会。
HEGRE’s 1009th movie is all about pleasing the male organ. And a tribute to sheer lust.
Welcome to an erotic massage that focuses entirely on sexual joy. Performed by a master of the art, the penis is sensually pampered and tickled in all thinkable (and unthinkable) ways until reaching the ultimate level of absolute satisfaction.
Photographed and directed by PETTER HEGRE at his own temple of delights, here’s your chance to experience a magical hour of true cock worship.
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