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据说丹麦人是地球上最幸福的民族。像专业舞者艾玛这样的女孩走在街上,你就能明白为什么了。我们的第一位丹麦模特一定会给您带来微笑。 作为哥本哈根剧院的舞者,艾玛热爱表演。她非常专注于她的艺术,这意味着她在生活中做出了巨大的牺牲。随着一次又一次的排练和多年的舞台表演,她几乎没有时间过正常的社交生活或人际关系。 过着舞者的生活使她对裸体完全适应。表演期间,男女舞者经常共用更衣室;他们总是在不断更换服装时脱光衣服。所以最终每个人都对在公共场合赤身裸体感到很自在。 她付出了很多努力才得到这样的身材。凭借舞者的身体,她强壮、健美、优雅。而且非常非常灵活!
The Danes are said to be the happiest nation on Earth. And with girls like professional dancer, Emma, walking the streets, you can see why. Our first ever Danish model is sure to bring a smile to your face.
As a dancer in the theatres in Copenhagen, Emma loves performing. And she is very dedicated to her art, which has meant making big sacrifices in her life. With rehearsal after rehearsal and years of being on stage, she’s had little time for a proper social life or relationships.
Living the life of a dancer has made her completely comfortable with nudity. During performances male and female dancers often share changing rooms; they’re always stripping off during constant costume changes. So eventually everyone becomes very comfortable being naked in public.
She has put in a lot of hard work to get a figure like this. With the body of a dancer she is strong, toned and elegant. And very, very flexible!
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