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Evi 是一个务实、亲力亲为的女孩。她在德国小镇的一家五金店工作,过着简单幸福的生活。 Evi 是一位动物爱好者,业余时间喜欢骑马和训练狗狗。 她兼职研究马和狗的心理学,她的终极英雄是名著《马语者》的作者蒙蒂·罗伯茨,她也喜欢听老鹰乐队。她告诉我们,她现在的男朋友 16 岁;年轻又爱玩,就像她自己一样。大大咧咧、率真,Evi说话直率,总是说出自己的想法。 她从小就梦想成为一名模特,拥有健美、晒黑的身体、坚挺的乳房和迷人的笑容,尽管她最喜欢的身体部位是她的翘臀,但她天生就是一个模特。 Evi相信幸福是美好生活的关键!
Evi is a practical, hands-on kind of girl. She works in a metal shop in a small German town and leads a simple and happy life. Evi is an animal lover and enjoys horse riding and training dogs in her free time.
She is studying horse and dog psychology part-time and her ultimate hero is Monty Roberts author of the famous book The Horse Whisperer, she also loves listening to The Eagles. She tells us that her current boyfriend is 16; youthful and fun-loving, just like herself. Carefree and straightforward, Evi is plain speaking and will always speak her mind.
She has dreamt of being a model since she was little and is a natural with her toned, tanned body, firm breasts and winning smile, although her own favourite body part is her pert ass. Evi believes that happiness is the key to a good life!
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