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卡特卡拥有整个布拉格市最金发的卷发,与精致的身材相得益彰。 作为一名全日制大学生,Katka 拥有丰富的摄影师摆姿势经验,她受到的关注是当之无愧的。对 Katka 来说,模特是目前最完美的职业,至少在她大学毕业并作为一名令人畏惧的商业女性走遍世界之前是这样。 在捷克共和国的最后一天,Katka 出现在 Petter 的公寓里。她为充满美女和成功拍摄的旅行画上了完美的句号。从性感的挑逗到更深思熟虑的表情,一切都被记录下来,供我们所有人欣赏。在敞开的窗户的自然光线下拍照时,Katka 看起来特别惊艳。 她金色的卷发在阳光下闪闪发光,她的皮肤散发出天使般的美丽,触摸起来几乎是危险的。
Katka has the blondest curls in the entire city of Prague with an exquisite figure to match.
A FULL time university student, Katka has a lot of experience posing for photographers and the attention she receives is well deserved. Modeling is the perfect career right now for Katka, at least until she graduates from university and moves on the world as a business woman to be feared.
Katka showed up at Petter’s apartment on his last day in the Czech Republic. She provided the perfect ending to a trip that was filled with beautiful girls and successful shoots. Everything from a sexy tease to a more thoughtful look was documented and captured for us all to enjoy. Katka looks particularly amazing when photographed next to the natural light of an open window.
Her blonde curls glow in the sunlight and her skin radiates an angelic beauty that is almost dangerous to touch.
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