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他们说,要想成功,最重要的是要保持积极向上的精神。 如果这是真的,那么 Klara 将在创纪录的时间内拥有这一切。作为一名时装模特,Klara 从 15 岁起就在布拉格的 T 台上大摇大摆地走来走去,大约六个月前开始做裸体模特。毕竟,一个人只有在剥离生活中的非必需品后,才能真正了解自己。 尽管 Klara 之前有过裸体模特的经验,但与 Petter Hegre 的合作带来了一些新的和受欢迎的挑战。这不仅标志着她在万维网上的首次亮相,而且也是她第一次被鼓励在拍摄过程中真正展现自己的个性。有些人认为模特就像表演,但就 Klara 而言,它更像是做她自己。 幸运的是,裸体肯定会在未来很长一段时间内找到乐趣。
They say in order to become successful you must, above else, keep a positive spirit.
IF THAT'S true, then Klara will have it all in record time. A fashion model experienced at strutting her stuff down the catwalk in Prague since the age of 15, Klara began doing nudes about six months ago. After all, a person only truly knows oneself after stripping away the non-essentials of life.
Despite Klara’s previous experience with nude modeling, working with Petter Hegre presented some new and welcome challenges. Not only did it mark her debut on the world-wide-web, but was also the first time she was encouraged to really let her personality ring true during a shoot. Some consider modeling to be like acting, but in the case of Klara, it was far more like just being herself.
Luckily, being nude is something she will surely find fun for a long time to come.
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