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Lza 是一项正在进行的工作。 在她的左臂上,三个纹身的红色星星通过硅胶平台凸起在她的皮肤表面之上;她的右臂是一个交织在一起的攀缘玫瑰花园,巨大的大黄蜂在嗡嗡作响。她的乳房手术般完美无瑕,粉红色的乳头上点缀着相配的星星。她有一张流浪儿般的精灵脸,一双乌黑的大眼睛,闪闪发光,略带忧郁,一副走秀模特的傲慢风范。 她从 16 岁开始当模特,曾在顶级秀场和世界上最负盛名的杂志上亮相。她相信,正如西蒙娜·德·波伏娃 (Simone de Beauvoir) 曾经写过的那样,女人不是天生的,而是被塑造出来的,她认为自己很幸运,没有成为中央演员的克隆人。 Lza 不符合经典模式,她不想,但证明了例外是规则,并且对于许多成员来说,她是理想的 Hegre Girl。
Lza is a work in progress.
ON HER left arm, three tattooed red stars are raised above the surface of her skin by a platform of silicone; her right arm is an entwined garden of climbing roses humming with giant bumble bees; her breasts are surgically flawless with pink nipples adorned with matching stars. She has a waif-like pixie face, big dark eyes that are both sparkling and faintly melancholic, and the arrogant sway of a catwalk model.
She started modeling at sixteen and has graced the runways at the top shows and the pages of the world's most prestigious magazines. She believes, as Simone de Beauvoir once wrote, that a woman is not born but made, and considers herself lucky not to be a clone out of central casting.
Lza does not fit the classical mould, she wouldn't want to, but proves that the exception makes the rule and, for many members, is the ideal Hegre Girl.
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