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事实证明,与 Mia 第一次正面全裸会面对模特和摄影师来说都是一次愉快的经历。 在巴黎的摄影会议上,米娅证明了自己是完美的模特素材。这位俏皮性感的年轻女子不仅拥有极好的身体——尤其是惊人的屁股——她还非常有头脑。 米娅最近搬到了布达佩斯,正在学习公共管理。她计划开设自己的模特经纪公司,在镜头前的经历肯定会帮助这个雄心勃勃的女孩走上自己的道路。 米娅漂亮、彬彬有礼、个性十足。她是那种你很容易就会爱上的女孩。她的胃口极小……但像许多女孩一样,米娅就是喜欢巧克力! 有头脑有颜值的妹子绝对是上位的!
Meeting Mia for her first ever full frontal nude sessions proved to be a happy experience for both model and photographer.
At the photo session in Paris, Mia proved herself to be perfect model material. Not only does this playful and sexy young woman have a superb body – with a particularly amazing ass - she also has the brains too.
Mia recently moved to Budapest and is studying Public Management. She has plans to open her own model agency and experience in front of the camera is certain to help this ambitious girl on her way.
Mia is gorgeous, polite and full of personality. She is the kind of girl you could easily fall in love with. She has the tiniest of appetites... but like many girls Mia just loves chocolate!
With brains and beauty this girl is definitely headed for the top!
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