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如果你是一名舞者,如果你梦想征服世界,那么对于一个女孩来说,在俄罗斯没有比著名的 Spearmint Rhino 更好的起点了。 这是你要去的地方。这是有钱人去放松的地方。在这里,Petter 和 Luba 发现了 Olea,就像一团纯粹的能量球在流动的黑发旋风中飞过舞台。 Rhino 是俄罗斯最经典的脱衣舞娘,而 Olea 无疑是这个星球上最经典的脱衣舞娘之一。 Olea 的特别之处在于她天使般的外表和娇小的少女身材。她可以成为一名体操运动员或芭蕾舞演员,甚至在她投身于现代舞之前考虑过这两种追求。 Petter 和 Luba 爱上了她年轻的精神和天使般的容貌。她愿意为 Hegre.com 摆姿势吗?你打赌。 毕竟,这里是莫斯科,可能是地球上最先进的城市。
If you are a dancer, if you dream of conquering the world there is no better place for a girl to start in Russia than the illustrious Spearmint Rhino.
IT IS where you go to be seen. It is where the rich go to chill. It's where Petter and Luba discovered Olea like a ball of pure energy flying across stage in a whirlwind of flowing dark locks. The Rhino is the classiest strip joint in Russia and Olea is surely one of the classiest strippers on the planet.
What makes Olea special is her angelic looks and petite girlish body. She could be a gymnast or a ballerina, and even considered both pursuits before she committed herself to modern dance. Petter and Luba fell in love with her youthful spirit and angelic looks. Would she like to pose for Hegre.com? You bet.
This is Moscow, after all, probably the most sophisticated city on earth.
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