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奥尔加可能很年轻,但她拥有钢铁般的决心,并且清楚地知道自己想要从生活中得到什么。 她可以被描述为“年轻的肩膀上有一颗聪明的脑袋”,在她这个年龄的女孩中绝对有成熟的外貌。这可能是因为 Olga 在 15 岁那年就离开了安全的家庭乡村生活。前往大城市的灯火辉煌 Olga 搬到了基辅,辗转于亲戚和朋友之间,以追求她的模特生涯。 她知道竞争会很激烈,因为只有 171 厘米的身高在时尚界很少见,但像前苏联的每一位模特一样,她的梦想是在国外大放异彩。 凭借她美丽紧致、苗条的身材和精致的五官,我们希望奥尔加的模特梦想成真。
Olga may be young but she possesses a steely sense of determination and knows exactly what she wants from life.
She could be described as having a ‘wise head on young shoulders’ and definitely has a mature outlook for a girl of her age. This is probably down to the fact that Olga left the safety of family village life at the tender age of 15. Heading for the bright lights of the big city Olga relocated to Kyiv, moving between relatives and friends, to pursue her modeling career.
She knows the competition will be tough because at only 171 cm tall it is rare to make it in the fashion industry but like every model from the former USSR her dream is to make it big abroad.
With her beautiful tight, slim body and delicate facial features we hope Olga’s dream to succeed as a model comes true.
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