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乍一看,很容易将西蒙娜误认为是生活在巴西小村庄的普通女性。 她住在一间小公寓里,用贝壳制作珠宝,卖给街上的游客和当地商店。然而,如果你再看一眼,你会发现西蒙娜是一个喜欢冒险的女孩,她知道什么时候应该摆脱那种冷静和相当的举止。 佩特在巴西旅行时遇到了西蒙娜,不久之后就发生了一些有趣的事情。她抓住机会成为了现在臭名昭著的巴西蜡像电影的主题,在那里我们得以瞥见女性经常以美丽的名义忍受的折磨。由于巴西炎热的太阳,她还有裸体漫游的习惯。 用她自己的话说,这让我不用洗衣服。对我们来说听起来像是很好的逻辑。
Its easy to mistake Simona at first glance for an average woman living in a small Brazilian village.
SHE LIVES in a small apartment and makes jewelry from shells to sell to tourists on the street and to local shops. If you take a second look however you will find that Simona is an adventurous girl who knows when and were to shed that calm and quite demeanor.
Petter met Simona while traveling in Brazil and it didnt take long before some interesting things began to happen. She took a chance and became the subject of the now infamous Brazilian Wax film where we were able to get a glimpse at the torture women often endure in the name of beauty. She also has the habit of roaming around naked due to the hot Brazilian sun.
In her own words, It saves me from doing laundry. Sounds like good logic to us.
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