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我们的新模特毕业于曼谷最负盛名的工程大学,专攻机器人技术。同时,她是一个真正的活人偶。 也许这是她移动的方式。当她转向你时,她优雅的摇摆。或者也许是让您感到如此舒适的愉快行为。她完美的时尚感和非凡的美貌又如何呢? ALLIE ASIA 拥有您在梦中情人身上寻找的所有特征。图片还有更多内容: 她天真烂漫,让你想起白雪公主。但是当 Allie Asia 开启她所有的热情时,没有什么能阻止她。她会把她所有的一切都交给镜头。也给你。
Our new model graduated from the most prestigious university for engineering in Bangkok, specialising in robotics. At the same time she’s a real living doll.
MAYBE IT IS the way she moves. That graceful swing she does when she turns to you. Or maybe the pleasant behaviour that makes you so comfortable. And how about her immaculate sense of style and extraordinary good looks? ALLIE ASIA has all the characteristics you look for in your dream girl. AND there is more to the picture:
She has an innocence about her that makes you think of Snow White. But when Allie Asia turns on all her passion, there is nothing stopping her. And she’ll surrender all of her to the eye of the camera. And to you.
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