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欢迎来到折叠 Ally - 一位来自捷克共和国的赤褐色头发的美女。 为 Petter Hegre 摆姿势标志着她第一次裸体摆姿势,哇,她就像冰上的小鹿斑比! Ally 身材瘦长笨拙,但非常可爱,她勇敢地在镜头前摆出姿势。在此之前,她唯一的模特经历是作为秀场的发型模特——但一旦她放松下来,Ally 就会慢慢证明自己是一名崭露头角的裸体模特! Ally 性格甜美,就读于艺术学院,擅长制作珠宝——尤其是奖章。 一个天真而脆弱的年轻女孩——我们很高兴艾莉从头发模特跳到裸体模特!
Welcome to the fold Ally - an auburn haired beauty who hails from the Czech Republic.
Posing for Petter Hegre marked her first time ever posing nude and wow was she like Bambi on ice!
Lanky and awkward but completely adorable, Ally bravely took to posing before the camera. Her only modeling experience prior to this was as a hair model for a show – but once she relaxed Ally slowly proved herself as a budding nude model in the making!
With a genuinely sweet personality, Ally studies at art college and specializes in making jewellery – medallions in particular.
An innocent and fragile young girl – we are so pleased Ally made the jump from hair model to nude model!
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