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这个女孩给成千上万的男人和女人带来了性快感。不是因为她是裸体模特(她才刚刚开始她的职业生涯)。因为她在一家情色商店工作。 认识来自乌克兰的 19 岁的克拉丽丝。她的日常工作是销售内衣、性玩具、束缚和恋物癖用品。她认真对待自己的工作。 Clarice 将自己的角色视为安全性行为大使,帮助教育她的顾客。所以这不仅仅是粉红色的蓬松手铐,而是帮助人们享受更充实的性生活。 考虑到她每天在工作中谈论的话题,她显然不是一个害羞的女孩。但克拉丽斯并不是你想象中的性爱小猫。她其实更像是一个甜美的邻家女孩类型。她心胸宽广,脚踏实地,随和。 克拉丽丝洋溢着青春的光芒,是一个特别值得一看的人。娇小活泼的身材、充满活力的红发和锐利的蓝眼睛,是那种无论走到哪里都会吸引众人目光的引人注目的女孩。
This girl has brought sexual pleasure to thousands of men and women. Not because she’s a nude model (she’s only just begun her career). Because she works in an erotic shop.
Meet 19-year-old Clarice from Ukraine. Her day job finds her selling lingerie, sex toys, bondage and fetish gear. And she takes her job seriously.
Clarice views her role as an ambassador for safer sex, helping to educate her customers. So it’s not just about pink fluffy handcuffs, it’s about helping people enjoy a more fulfilling sex life.
Considering what she talks about at work each day, she’s clearly not a shy girl. But Clarice is not the sex-kitten-with-attitude girl you might expect. She’s actually more of a sweet girl-next-door type. She’s big-hearted, down-to-earth and easy going.
Radiant with the glow of youth, Clarice is something special to look at. With a petite and perky body, vibrant red hair and piercing blue eyes, she’s the sort of striking girl that turns heads wherever she goes.
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