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Darine 出生于法国,母亲来自埃及,父亲来自突尼斯,难怪 Darine 是 Petter Hegre 有史以来造型最独特的模特之一。 Darine 身材娇小,充满异国情调,而且无疑是美丽的,是一种稀有品种。她是来自两个世界的所有最好的混合体。带着灿烂灿烂的笑容,她让某些神秘的男人无法抗拒并神魂颠倒。 像所有有趣的女性一样,Darine 过着积极的生活方式。她喜欢摄影、旅游和东方舞。她是一个俏皮而无忧无虑的女人,坚信要保持积极的态度。毕竟,如果您对正在做的事情不感兴趣,那么继续做其他事情很容易! 黑暗、性感和热情的 Darine 是真正的原创。
Born in France with a mother from Egypt and a father from Tunis, it’s no small wonder that Darine is one of the most unique looking models to ever pose for Petter Hegre.
Petite, exotic, and unquestionably beautiful, Darine is a rare breed. She is a solid mixture of all the best that comes from two worlds coming together. Armed with a big brilliant smile she has that certain mystique men find irresistible and swoon over.
Like all interesting women, Darine lives an active lifestyle. She loves photography, traveling, and oriental dance. She is a playful and carefree woman and believes strongly in keeping a positive attitude. After all, if you aren’t having fun with what you’re doing, it’s easy to move on and do something else!
Dark, sexy, and passionate Darine is a true original.
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