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我们的身体每天都有节奏,它控制着每一个动作和荷尔蒙。 我们是水和化学物质的混合物,我们可能对此一无所知,但鸡尾酒创造了我们的个性和本性。 Dominika 是一款非常复杂的计时器,总是走得有点慢……她早上起床很晚,就像一只被宠坏的猫,Dominika 只想躺在床上放松一下。 它拍摄了一些非常有趣的镜头,她乌黑的头发披在肩上,丰满奢华的身体,慵懒的微笑是如此性感,以至于让欲望的钟摆慢了下来。多米尼卡在模特赛道上很有名,在她的家乡华沙喜欢熬夜和喝波兰伏特加。 Hegre 团队在 SAS 酒店与她进行了第一次会谈,然后与她最好的朋友 Sylwia 一起,他让女孩们裸体躺在周围,什么都不做。
Our bodies move to a daily rhythm which governs every single gesture and hormone.
WE ARE a mixture of water and chemicals of which we may be ignorant, but the cocktail creates our personality and nature. Dominika is a highly intricate timepiece that always runs a little slow…she's late getting up in the morning, and like a spoiled cat, Dominika just wants to stretch out on the bed and relax.
It makes for some pretty interesting shots, her raven black hair about her shoulders, her full luxurious body, her lazy smile so sensuous it sets the pendulum of desire in slow motion. Dominika is well known on the model circuit and enjoys late nights and Polish vodka in her native Warsaw.
The Hegre team caught up with her at the SAS Hotel for their first session, and then with her best friend Sylwia, he got the girls lying around in the nude doing absolutely nothing.
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