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伊娃 (Eva) 是一位即将出道的模特,她从 13 岁就开始做模特了。然而,她与 Petter Hegre 的合影标志着她第一次拍摄裸照。 伊娃身材高大,拥有时尚界所需的独特美感,拥有成为模特所需的一切条件。我们第一次见到她时,她已经与米兰的一家模特经纪公司签约,正准备前往意大利。 伊娃性格活泼、充满活力——她有点狂野,但又很有趣。不是那种害羞内向的类型,她喜欢喝酒抽烟,平时玩得很开心!她最喜欢的身体部位一定是她的乳房,因为在她与 Petter 的 5 小时拍摄期间,她一刻也不能停止玩弄它们! 今年晚些时候留意 Eva,您可能会在 Vogue 的封面上看到她!
Eva is an upcoming model who has been modeling since the tender age of 13. However her photo session with Petter Hegre marked her first time posing nude.
Tall and with the distinctive kind of beauty required in the fashion world, Eva has what it takes to make it huge as a model. She already has a contract with a modeling agency in Milan and was preparing to head to Italy when we first met her.
Eva has a lively, vibrant personality - she’s a little bit wild and very funny. Not the shy and retiring type, she likes to drink, smoke and generally have a good time! Her favorite body part has to be her tits as she could not stop playing with them for a minute during her 5h shoot with Petter!
Look out for Eva later this year you might just catch her on the cover of Vogue!
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