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从时装模特到情色巨星…… 认识了不起的珍娜。她是一名 22 岁的乌克兰人,最初是一名时装模特。但她很快发现这个行业限制太多。暴露狂的精神在她内心深处激荡。她不得不挣脱。 于是她成为了黑格女郎。我们非常高兴。凭借她淡褐色的眼睛、乳白色的皮肤和电影明星的容貌,这个女孩高人一等。 虽然 Jenna 来自乌克兰,但她喜欢在亚洲度过寒冷的冬季,享受阳光和灵性。在那里,她穿着比基尼在海滩上嬉戏,然后去商店收集心形小肥皂卖回家。难道你不想得到其中之一吗? 它几乎没有比珍娜更好。她聪明又性感,勇敢又富有冒险精神。正如您从她的照片中看到的那样,她当然拥有真正电影明星的活力和美丽。还有谁比 Petter 更能帮助她探索自己的那一面呢?因为当两颗星相撞时,结果只能是恒星。欢迎,珍娜。
From fashion model to erotic superstar…
Meet the amazing Jenna. She’s a 22 year old Ukrainian who started out as a fashion model. But she soon found the industry too restrictive. An exhibitionist spirit stirred deep inside her. She had to break free.
So she became a Hegre Girl. And we couldn’t be more pleased. With her hazel eyes, her creamy skin, and her movie star looks, this girl is a cut above.
While Jenna is from Ukraine, she loves to spend the cold winter months in Asia, soaking up the sunshine and spirituality. There she romps around on the beaches in her bikini and then goes to the stores to collect little heart-shaped soaps to sell back home. Wouldn’t you love to get your hands on one of those?
It hardly gets better than Jenna. She’s smart and sexy, brave and adventurous. And as you can see from her photos, she certainly has the energy and beauty of a true movie star. Who better to help her explore that side of herself than Petter? For when two stars collide, the results can only be stellar. Welcome, Jenna.
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