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凯瑟琳出生于南非,但目前居住在伦敦。 她以专业模特的身份在世界上崭露头角,很高兴有机会与 Petter Hegre 这样的摄影师合作。已经习惯了时尚和魅力工作世界中常见的限制,有机会放松并进行全裸拍摄是一个奇妙的节奏变化。 凯瑟琳 (Kathryn) 拥有苗条健美的身材,坦率地承认她热爱大自然,尤其是海洋。当她在水中滑行时,她长长的棕色头发和浅肤色使她看起来像美人鱼,她的身体以一种只有热爱大海的人才能拥有的和谐运动。 佩特得知她是素食主义者后,忍不住笑了笑,称她为嬉皮士,这让她颇为自豪。
Kathryn was born in South Africa but currently resides in London.
SHE MAKES her way in the world as a professional model and was delighted at the chance to work with a photographer like Petter Hegre. Having become used to the confines that are common in the world of fashion and glamour work, the opportunity to let loose and do a shoot completely nude was a fantastic change of pace.
With a slim and toned body, Kathryn readily admits her love of nature, especially the ocean. Her long brown hair and light complexion gives her the appearance of a mermaid when she glides through the water, her body moving with a certain harmony that only those who love the sea can possess.
Petter couldn’t help but laugh a little and called her a hippie when he learned that she is a vegetarian, a fact that she is quite proud of.
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