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凯蒂梦想着好莱坞的璀璨灯光。她想成为明星,全世界的狗仔队都在她家门口。而且她野心勃勃,希望有一天能收下一尊小金像! 对于来自基辅的 20 岁年轻人来说,这不是白日梦。凯蒂很有天赋,目前正在表演学校(我们可爱的艾米丽和达科塔就读的同一所学院)攻读第三年。 有一件事是肯定的:她有容貌。金色的头发,蓝色的眼睛和那种你想把奶油倒在上面然后舔干净的身体。 她的梦想角色?她想成为一部备受瞩目的肥皂剧明星,扮演性感撩人的邻家女孩。她想要一个令人心碎的角色,一个在她一英里范围内破坏所有关系的男人的时髦诱惑者。 总有一天世界会知道凯蒂是谁。但现在,她是你的全部:完全赤裸。
Katie dreams of the bright lights of Hollywood. She wants to be a star, with the world’s paparazzi at her door. And she’s ambitious, hoping one day to accept a small golden statue!
This is no pipedream for the 20 year-old from Kyiv. Katie has the talent, currently studying her third year at acting school (the same academy that our own lovely Emily and Dakota attended).
And one thing’s for sure: she has the looks. Blond hair, blue eyes and the kind of body you want to pour cream over and lick clean.
Her dream role? She wants to be the star of a high-profile soap, playing the sexy and seductive girl next door. She wants the role of the heartbreaker, the sassy seducer of men who wrecks every relationship within a mile of her.
One day the world will know who Katie is. But for now, she’s all yours: totally and utterly naked.
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