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拉伦在所有可能的方面都是一位经典的金发美女。 住在捷克共和国,她看起来像一个昂贵的瓷娃娃,有着脆弱的白色“北方”皮肤,很容易燃烧,并且由于家里的寒冷气候,一年中有 10 个月都裹着厚重的衣服。因此,她的外表没有明显的衰老迹象。 拉伦非常开朗外向,对自己的容貌很有信心,但对她认为是“十足的拉丁裔屁股”的身材仍然有点尴尬。如果你提起她祖母的家常菜或邀请她参加一个盛大的聚会,她的脸上总会露出可以穿透任何乌云的灿烂笑容。 作为一个热爱与快乐相关的所有活动的人,拉伦最大的梦想之一就是生活在一个气候温暖的国家。
Laren is a classic blonde beauty in all the best possible ways.
LIVING IN the Czech Republic she looks like an expensive porcelain doll with fragile white ‘northern’ skin that burns easily and remains wrapped in heavy clothing ten months out of the year due to the cold climate of her home. As a result, her physical appearance bares no outward sign of aging.
Very cheerful and outgoing, Laren has a lot of confidence in her looks but remains a little embarrassed about the size of what she considers to be a “full Latino ass.” A bright smile that can pierce through any storm cloud will always appear on her face if you bring up her grandmother’s home cooking or hit her up with an invitation to a good party.
A lover of any and all activities related to pleasure, one of Laren’s biggest dreams is to live in a country with a warmer climate.
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