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林恩来了,大家要小心了。她是那种不会让任何事情阻挡她前进的女孩。没有禁忌——没有限制。 当我们把她和瓦莱丽放在一起制作时,她大放异彩。这是她在业余经历之后第一次拍摄专业裸体照片,她毫无疑问地证明了自己有能力。现在她知道这就是她的未来所在。我们认为她很快就会放眼毛里求斯以外的更广阔的视野。 她的卡布奇诺皮肤和丰满性感的嘴唇——专为美酒和亲吻而生——散发着性感魅力。迄今为止,她的祖国毛里求斯一直享受着林恩的所有好处。她是一名导游,向游客展示她的岛屿。在派对之间,就是这样。这个女孩设定了自己的优先顺序。 有Lynn这样的女孩子自夸,毛里求斯真该叫金银岛。
Here comes Lynn and everyone better watch out. She is the kind of girl who lets nothing stand in her way. No taboos – no limits.
She burst on to the scene in a big way when we put her together in a production with Valerie. This was her first nude professional photo shoot, after some amateur experience, and she proved beyond doubt that she has what it takes. Now she knows this is where her future is. We think that soon she will be looking at bigger horizons way beyond Mauritius.
With her cappuccino skin and full sensuous lips - just made for wine and kissing - she radiates sex appeal. Her homeland Mauritius has had all the benefit up to now of Lynn. She is a tour guide showing tourists her island. In between partying, that is. This girl sets her own priorities.
With girls like Lynn to boast of, we'd say that Mauritius should really be called Treasure Island.
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