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Lysa 是那些让你想笑的女孩之一。可爱,性感,充满乐趣,这是一个尽情享受生活的女孩! 这位曲线优美的黑发女郎是一个非常快乐和积极的灵魂,有着随和的天性。您可以将她形容为隔壁的性感女孩——非常漂亮、超级性感,但完全平易近人,总是乐在其中。 Petter Hegre 称她为捷克人 Monica Bellucci,丰满的嘴唇、丰满的乳房、丰满的屁股——事实上,这一切都充满了!莱莎也不是一个会拒绝生活中美好事物的人;她对生活中感官享受的热爱也延伸到了巧克力和伏特加。 俏皮、悠闲,而且非常、非常热——Lysa 准备好把温度调到最热的状态!
Lysa is one of those girls who just makes you want to smile. Cute, sexy and a lot of fun this is a girl who enjoys life to the max!
This curvy brunette is a very happy and positive soul, with her easygoing nature. You could describe her as the sexy-girl next door – very pretty and ultra-sensual but completely approachable and always up for having fun.
Petter Hegre calls her a Czech Monica Bellucci, full lips, full tits, full ass – full of it all in fact! And Lysa isn’t one to deny herself the good things in life; her love of life’s little sensual pleasures also extends to chocolate and vodka.
Playful, laid back and very, very hot – Lysa is all set to turn the temperature right up to full-on sizzling!
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