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玛尔塔是一个被五种感官迷住的女孩,对自己的身体和感情有着绝对的自信。 她拥有让她在镜头前完全放松、沉迷于自己的激情所需要的信任。无论是正式摆姿势还是想把这一刻变成一场自我色情的会议,人们都知道玛尔塔只是在服从她自己的直觉,与新的裸体理想完美契合。 对 Marta 来说,完美的一天是与朋友共进午餐(味觉),去看一场早场电影(一种视觉体验),回家穿好衣服并喷上她的许多香水中的一种(香水味),然后与她的伙伴见面再次在迪斯科舞厅听到最新的声音。不过,她最喜欢的感觉是触摸,她把它留到晚上结束时再说。 Petter Hegre 在华沙的 SAS 酒店为 Marta 拍摄了照片,完成了单独以及与 Sylwia 和 Dominka 的会议。
Marta is a girl captivated by the five senses with absolute confidence in her body and her feelings.
SHE HAS the trust it requires for her to be totally relaxed before the camera, to be in thrall to her passions. Whether it is posing formally or motivated to turn the moment into a session of auto-eroticism, one is aware that Marta is merely obeying her own instincts and is in perfect harmony with the new nude ideals.
For Marta, the perfect day is meeting friends for lunch (sense of taste), going to an early movie (a visual experience), going home to dress and put on one of her many scents (smell of perfume), then meeting her mates again at a disco to hear the latest sounds. Her favorite sense, though, is touch and she saves that for the end of the evening.
Petter Hegre photographed Marta at the SAS Hotel in Warsaw, completing sessions both alone and with Sylwia and Dominka.
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