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莫妮卡天生就有天赋;好吧,这不是严格意义上的。 MONIKA 十几岁的时候就意识到了她的天赋,并且知道她的天赋应该与世界分享。所有的女人都有乳房。莫妮卡是一件艺术品。一位印度女神。生育的象征。她的乳房丰满、圆润、坚挺、高耸,粉红色的乳头像盛开的玫瑰。 Petter Hegre 已经在华沙呆了好几天了,这与该地区通常的选角和试拍一样匆匆忙忙。佩特离开的那天早上,一名星探将莫妮卡带到了酒店。他已经收拾好他的装备,但他看了看那些乳房,告诉出租车司机保持引擎运转,这是在 OK Corral 时间枪战。 他终于离开了,手里还拿着相机,当莫妮卡从酒店台阶上挥手时,他甚至不在乎是否错过了离开波兰的飞机。那些奶是值得的。
Monika was born with a gift; well, that's not strictly true.
MONIKA AS a teenager became aware of her gift and knew her gift should be shared with the world. All women have breasts. Monika is a work of art. An Indian goddess. A fertility symbol. Her breasts are full, round, firm and high with pink nipples like blooming roses.
Petter Hegre had been in Warsaw for several days with the usual rush of casting and test shoots that goes with the territory. Monika was brought to the hotel by a talent scout on the morning Petter was leaving. He had already packed away his equipment, but he took one look at those breasts, told the taxi driver to keep the engine running and it was shootout at the OK Corral time.
He finally left with the camera still in his hand, and as Monika waved from the hotel steps he didn't even care if he missed the plane out Poland. Those tits were worth it.
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