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Noody 来自泰国曼谷,但她的目光投向了世界时装秀。这意味着巴黎、米兰和纽约最好为她做好准备。 她是为那个世界而生的。她结合了东方魅力和泰国女孩少见的特点。它们是她修整、活泼的屁股和她的长腿。当她为我们摆姿势时,她第一次刮腿毛让她感到非常兴奋。她甜美的嘴唇也将帮助她走得更远。它们也非常适合她目前的造型。她的模特生涯有了一个轰动一时的开端,她正忙于探索她性感身材的每一个潜力。 在曼谷大学学习是她的另一项成就。对于一个十九岁的女孩来说,她已经取得了很多成就。她承诺会有更多的事情发生。
Noody hails from Bangkok, Thailand but her sights are set on the world’s fashion catwalks. That means that Paris, Milan and New York had better get ready for her.
She is made for that world. She combines oriental charm with features that are rare for Thai girls. They are her trim, pert ass and her looong legs. She got a real thrill from shaving those legs for the first time when she posed for us. Her luscious lips will help her go a long way too. They are all ideal for her current modelling as well. She’s off to a sensational start to her modelling career and she is busy exploring every potential of her luscious form.
Studying at Bangkok University is another of her accomplishments. For a girl of nineteen she has already achieved a lot. She is promising much more to come.
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