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苏珊娜可以一动不动地坐在凳子上,而作为观众的你则被吸引住了。 你研究她就像研究一件雕塑、一个棋步、一幅伦勃朗的油画:一首巴赫的音乐。她引人注目、感性、完全女性化,是一名专业模特,从一个任务到另一个任务,遍及欧洲的长度和宽度,是巡回演出中最有经验、最受追捧的女孩之一。 Petter Hegre 在巴黎见到了她,并立即明白了她为何如此受欢迎。她很漂亮,她性感的身体里没有害羞的骨头,但正是她精致的精灵脸、精致的骄傲的乳房和丰满的拉丁裔臀部的独特融合让她与众不同。 在她的处女作 Suzana Suzana 成为该网站上观看次数最多的电影之一后,她在 Hegre.com 上迅速走红。
Suzana can sit motionless on a stool and you as the viewer are riveted.
YOU STUDY her like you would a piece of sculpture, a chess move, an oil painting by Rembrandt: a piece of music by Bach. She is compelling, sensuous, totally feminine, a professional model who travels from assignment to assignment the length and breadth of Europe and one of the most experienced, sought after girls on the circuit.
Petter Hegre caught up with her in Paris and understood immediately why she was so popular. She is beautiful, she doesn't have a shy bone in her luscious body, but it is the unique blend of her delicate pixie face, fine proud breasts and a lush latino rear that makes her special.
She became an instant hit on Hegre.com after her début film Suzana Suzana, one of the most viewed movies on the site.
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