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Tacha 是您所说的经验丰富的模特,它表明了这一点。 她和男友住在科尔多瓦,但会定期前往布宜诺斯艾利斯与该地区的顶级摄影师、时装设计师和广告商合作。她通过一个共同的朋友介绍给了 Petter Hegre,并且熟悉他的作品,如果他碰巧访问南美,她同意拍摄。 拥有超过五年的裸体经验,Tacha 很乐意在镜头前炫耀自己的身体,并在有机会展示她性感的一面时享受它。 Tacha 活泼、勤奋,并且明白虽然拍摄照片很有趣,但它们非常严谨,也很耗体力。 Tacha 以微笑和活泼的态度忍受着这一切,她以自己帮助摄影师获得最佳图像的能力而自豪。
Tacha is what you would call an experienced model, and it shows.
SHE LIVES in Cordoba with her boyfriend but regularly travels to Buenos Aires to work with the regions top photographers, fashion designers, and advertisers. She was referred to Petter Hegre through a mutual friend and having been familiar with his work, agreed to do a shoot if he should ever happen to visit South America.
With over five years of experience posing nude, Tacha is comfortable showing off her body to the camera and enjoys it when the opportunity to bring out her sensual side arises. Tacha is lively, hard working, and understands that though photo shoots are a lot of fun, they are incredibly rigorous and physically draining as well.
Tacha endures it all with a smile and a peppy attitude, taking pride in her ability to help a photographer get the best image possible.
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