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Tanita 从事模特工作已有十年,这无疑表明了这一点。 Tanita 在模特界广为人知并备受推崇,她的商标是她的红色狮子头发和近乎完美的女性比例。 她的职业是在乌克兰政界工作,并且毫不犹豫地将自己沉浸在传统上由男性主导的领域。整整十年坐在镜头前给了塔蒂娜一种超级自信,甚至可能是自大的态度。经常可以听到她大声说“我很漂亮”,从她的声音可以看出她相信自己说的每一句话。 大多数人认为如此强大的存在令人生畏。然而,我们只是认为它让塔蒂娜变得更加美丽。
Tanita has been modeling for ten years and it certainly shows. Well known and highly regarded in the modeling industry, Tanita’s trademark is her red lion hair and near perfect feminine proportions.
She works in the Ukrainian political scene by trade and has no qualms immersing herself in a traditionally male dominated field.Sitting in front of the camera for an entire decade has given Tatina a super confident and perhaps cocky attitude. She can regularly be heard saying out loud “I’m beautiful” and you can tell from the sound of her voice that she believes every word she says.
Most people consider such a strong presence to be intimidating. We however just think it makes Tatina all the more beautiful.
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