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Vika 在莫斯科以花花公子模特身份崭露头角。 由于 CONCERT 钢琴家和足球明星是天生的,而不是训练出来的,Vika 拥有令人钦佩的特征,但不是过去那种光鲜、做作的风格。 Vika 是 New Nude 的精髓,自然、愉悦、挑逗、完全女性化、完全性感。 从花花公子到 Hegre.com 再到世界各地的时装秀,20 岁的 Vika 踏上了一段令人眼花缭乱的旅程,对许多女孩来说,这将是难以吸收和理解的。但维卡始终记得她是谁。她很专注,与自己和睦相处,从不忘记在乡下慢跑、游泳和周末等小乐趣。 维卡 (Vika) 的工作超出了她现在的处理能力,但她计划在模特时间减少后接受运动医学方面的工作培训。
Vika came to prominence as a Playboy model in Moscow.
AS CONCERT pianists and soccer stars are born, not trained, Vika was blessed with features created to be admired, but not in the glossy, artificial style of the past. Vika is the essence of the New Nude, natural, joyous, provocative, totally feminine, totally sexual.
From Playboy to Hegre.com to fashion shows across the world, Vika at 20 has been on a dizzying journey that for many girls would be too much to absorb and comprehend. But Vika remembers at all times who she is. She is centred, at peace with herself and never loses sight of the fact that it is the small pleasures like jogging, swimming and weekends in the country.
Vika has more work than she can handle right now, but plans when her modelling days diminish to train for a job in sports medicine.
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