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无论好坏,我们的生活都受到我们生活的时代的影响,而生活在新裸体时代是我们并不总是欣赏的礼物。 所以挖掘它,享受它,充分利用这个时代所提供的一切,陶醉于 Henrietta,一个致力于 Hegre 相机的数字和像素的天堂片段,并保存在档案中供后代使用。 Henrietta 是这个时代的代名词,是一个体现我们这个时代最优秀品质的 Hegre Girl。 Henrietta 从她在布达佩斯的家中乘火车旅行,然后出现在巴黎的 Hegre 工作室。 18 岁时,她仍保持着青春期的柔软、天真烂漫,每一个姿势都不眨一下,她的反应就像一个勤奋的女学生面对她信任和钦佩的老师。 Henrietta 是互联网上的新面孔,但凭借她黑黑的眼睛和炫目的笑容,未来才刚刚开始。
For better or for worse our lives are shaped by the times in which we live and living in the era of the New Nude is a gift we don't always appreciate.
SO DIG it, enjoy it, make the most of what the age has to offer and revel in Henrietta, a fragment of paradise committed to the digits and pixels of the Hegre camera and saved on the archives for posterity. Henrietta is the shape of the age, a Hegre Girl who embodies the best qualities of our times.
Henrietta traveled on the train from her home in Budapest and showed up at the Hegre atelier in Paris. At 18, she retains the soft, innocent bloom of pubescence and performed every pose expected of her without blinking an eyelid, her response like a diligent schoolgirl with a teacher she trusts and admires.
Henrietta is a new face on the internet, but with her dark eyes and blinding smile, the future has just begun.
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