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她即将给这个世界带来另一种生命。那是一件美丽的事情。随着她的身体自我转变,她说她从未感到如此性感。 认识来自乌克兰的 28 岁的萨布丽娜。凭借非常积极的精神,她的能量水平使大多数人相比之下显得懒惰。这体现在她的工作生活中,因为她是一位忙碌的企业家。 作为一名经验丰富的裸体模特,Sabrina 喜欢成为众人瞩目的焦点。但作为一名熟练的摄影师,她也在镜头的另一边工作。当她创立自己的模特经纪公司时,这两种技能都派上了用场。当然,当她成为新妈妈后,她的生活会变得更加忙碌。 自从她怀孕后,聘请她作为裸体模特的人越来越少,但我们相信这是拍摄照片的最佳时机。怀孕的身体是一件美丽的事情,Sabrina 令人惊叹的曲线令人惊叹。 当她说她从未感到如此性感时。我们不得不说,我们完全同意。
She is about to bring another life into the world. And that is a beautiful thing. As her body transforms itself, she says she’s never felt sexier.
Meet 28-year-old Sabrina, from Ukraine. With a wonderfully positive spirit she has the kind of energy levels that make most people seem lazy in comparison. And that shows in her working life, because she is one busy entrepreneur.
As an experienced nude model, Sabrina loves to be the centre of attention. But as a skilled photographer, she also works on the other side of the lens. Both of these skills came in handy as she founded her own modelling agency. Of course, when she becomes a new mother, her life is going to become even busier.
While fewer people have hired her as a nude model since she became pregnant, we believe it’s the perfect time for a photo shoot. The pregnant body is a beautiful thing and Sabrina’s stunning curves are a wonder to behold.
And when she says she’s never felt sexier. We have to say, we couldn’t agree more.
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