Make a Journey that will change your life

Hello everybody!
Welcome to the world within you. That is the invitation I want to extend to all of you.

This is where your journey can begin. It is a journey to unite our masculine side with our feminine side. The masculine concentrates on clear thinking. It helps us in the material world. The feminine helps us to develop our intuition. We become aware of our more delicate aspects. We respond from the heart to beauty and pleasure.

Too often these abilities are suppressed. If that is what is happening, then what we need is what Tantra calls a “mystic union”. It is the integration of the whole personality – both masculine and feminine. This takes courage. We need to be ready to be surprised by our inner selves.

Our awareness is always with us. We are constantly conscious of the world about us. But we let that awareness be limited. We have often lost – or never found – the way to see the world as though through each other’s eyes. We can free ourselves from these limitations of male and female stereotypes. When we do, we access tremendous new energy which comes from the very heart of our being.

First we find our own energy. Then we discover that which comes from both our mother and our father. Feminine and masculine – Shiva and Shatki – combine. At this point we start to experience life in a joyful and creative way, looking forward to the future.

We feel that we have expanded. In a sense it as though we occupy more space. That is because we are no longer confined. We experience abundance and we are relaxed. Meditation, making love and every other activity become a celebration.

So, if we are a woman, God will transform a part of us to a man. If we are a man, God will give us some elements of a woman. Then we will experience both realities.

Tantra is awaiting. Follow this link: http://www.hegre.com/tantra/reservations

Fabi Jaya

• Tantric Therapist and Counsellor
• Certified Massage Therapist
• Sexual healer
• Tantra training in this ancient Indian philosophy for couples and individuals

Please follow me at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fabi.jaya
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TantraBarca


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Trantra Massage
Hi Fabi My Name is Charlie and i am From New Jersey first i want to say your so gorgeous and have a beautiful body i love the tantra massage you perform your Clients or whom ever is on the massage table I' Generally get massages but nothing like you do. I love everything about you I wish you were in the area of New Jersey United states if i may ask how much would a session be like that ? but you don't have to answer that but thank you for all your postings and Channel Peace and love Namaste Charlie
Booking from Australia
Namaste I'm Terry Patel and I live in Sydney Australia and I have been looking for a genuine Tantric practitioner for a long time. Unfortunately in Australia there are many fake tantric practitioners and I was wondering whether you have any plans to tour abroad in the future? Terry Rajesh Patel
Namaste Windmill, Tantra have pratices, passing generation by generation, and tantric to tantric, but of course you could use whatever part of your body that you love to feel, in you intimacy! :)
Thank you Fabi for your reply. Yes I know from experience touching is a great sensation when applied well, both given and received. Yes I know it is a skill, talent or gift that can be thought and improved from actual experience only. All tough your films have given many people lots of new techniques and suggestions to try for them selves. Is it true that Tantra is most commonly practiced by women only?
Tantra Touch
Fabi in most of the Tantra massages we can see you use most of your body but mainly your hands. I understand Tantra is about releasing powerful energy in a controlled rithem. For example would using your feet, or the touch of your lips bring other excitement in the person receiving your Tantra? Surely you know all the other parts of your body that can bring so uch more joy and bliss.
Replies to Blog Comments
I believe that Fabi should have the right to respond to comments about her Blog. I therefore urge the Hegre.com management to allow her to reply, otherwise the Blog serves no practical purpose.
Male-Female Unification
This psychological or spiritual unification should be a wonderful experience when it happens. Jimmy <3 :) <3
Spring and Fabi invite you trough Tantra

Greetings to you all!
At last it is Springtime. To celebrate I would like to give you a personal invitation to visit me.

This is the time when everything is beginning to come to life again and to flower. Winter can be a time when we hibernate within ourselves. Now that is over. It would be marvellous for you to discover Tantra now. It is the way that I found a path to flowering. I was reborn and I built a new me just the same as the natural world does in Spring. It is continually a new way of thinking. It is a way to discover a purer state of being me!
Let me explain a little about Tantra.
Tantra is different from other spiritual philosophies. In Tantra we do not see the body as an obstacle. On the contrary, it is a way to knowledge. Every human being is the owner of a living, individual consciousness. That is why, here at Hegre.com, I work with personalized therapies. You deserve individual attention, respect and recognition.
In the Western world, we are taught to rationalize our way of living. We are urged to make judgments about what is wrong or right, and to fight against what is wrong because of our preconceptions. Tantra by contrast teaches us a way to accept everything that happens. We can flow without stress.
Tantra expands our consciousness. It is an attitude to life. Sex is part of life of course and it is not about beliefs, prescribed behaviour or rules. In Tantra there is no one right way to feel or do things. There is no manual or script that you have to live by.
Tantra says "Yes" to everything that is. Everything is sacred, so say “Welcome" to all your thoughts and feelings. This will be your own Spring! It means loving all parts of yourself and learning from them. You need not judge yourself less than or worse than any other person or thing. You can learn who you are. Don't fight with life. If you do, you are blocking your internal desires and making your life a hell through such conflict. What do you really want to do? Do it! If you want to dance, I will help you dance. Do you want to love? Open your heart and listen to love! Of course, that is easy to say. But the good news is that Tantra can help you like it helped me. I discovered that I can respect me by doing what I feel. It taught me how to create openness…just like this Spring :)
Searching deeper within yourself is what brings you joy, love and self-respect. When you discover these, you can focus on them. You can create the way to practice the pleasure that is your very own!
Welcome to Spring. I’m inviting you to come to visit me and discover how you can create a rebirth in your life! It works for me so well that this Spring I want to share this ancient knowledge with you!

Come and meet me in person. Follow this link: http://www.hegre.com/tantra/reservations

Fabi Jaya

• Tantric Therapist and Counsellor
• Certified Massage Therapist
• Sexual healer
• Tantra training in this ancient Indian philosophy for couples and individuals

Please follow me at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fabi.jaya
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TantraBarca


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Nice to meet you
hello I am Charlie I have seen you in many Videos which i wont mention but I think your the sweetest looking lady and i really like your style hope to see you in more videos
A Question
Hello rico, There is no age in tantra, only essence and beauty! :) Of course she could come, we would love to receive both! If you both came, why don't you try tantra both? And I could pass the tantric knowledge for you both can explore at home and expand, and transform you sexual and daily life into a better path, and of course, the sexual power will increase and find news aways to achieve! I will strongly recommend it... :) And will be surprise by it! Namaste Fabi
you are God gift, you must write some books in regard of healthy sex and love in between wife & husband
A question
I'd like to offer a tantra massage to my wife who is not a lesbian .It has to be done by a woman and we both prefer that I'll be present. In case it is possible, plse let me know so I contact you for a reservaton. PS: we are over 50 old
I like your philosophy, which largely accords with my own. Jimmy.

The Power of Tantra on old taboos

by Fabi March 06 | 2013

The Power of Tantra on old taboos

Dear souls,

Sometimes I think about how my life was before I encountered Tantra. What did my pleasures and my sexual life really amount to before I knew about these ancient teachings? I think about how Tantra has transformed and liberated me.

I think that most of the time we are trying be completely confident and to give the impression to our partner that we know what we are doing. We move as fast as we can. We think we have everything completely under our control.

I assure you that it is normal for us NOT to know. Often we just don't know what to do or how to act. How many times have you looked at a vulva or a penis and not known what to do? What does she, or he, like? What are their most sensitive and emotional places? Sometimes we just don't know. Maybe nobody has talked to us about matters like this. Our culture is just not used to talking about sexual issues when we are teenagers or at any other age. Our society has so many taboos about enjoying natural pleasure.

Good sex is the key to good relationships. What happens to us if we do not explore new experiences? It is like always eating fast food and not knowing how to appreciate an exquisite meal. Maybe our palates need practice to become more sensitive. I like fast food too but I also enjoy having the experience of a whole range of new and different food sensations. In the same way, you can be a master chef in your own sexual “kitchen”!

Before Tantra, I thought that I understood sex. When Tantra became part of my life I came to understand that there was much more to sexual activity and sexual maladjustments. There is so much to explore. How many times do we have sex like robots? We are not truly with our partner because we are thinking about something else. It may be football, baseball, work or what we have forgotten to buy. With Tantra we learn how to be present in that particular moment which we are sharing with our partner. We are consciously there.

Tell me - how many times are we anxious about the expression on our partner’s face during sex? How many times have we wanted to know if our partner is really enjoying it? Or to know if our partner is really there with us? How many times do we mean to open our eyes but then we forget to look deeply into the eyes of our partner? Or when we do it, we feel embarrassed? It is strange because we often say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. It is easier to share our body. We don't trust that person with our emotions, thoughts and feelings.

Eye-gazing is a sensuous form of intimacy. It builds trust between partners and brings them closer together emotionally and spiritually. You don't have to guess what your partner is feeling. You are just with them in the feeling! It is ONE-NESS.

Through Tantra I have learned that is not forbidden to spread love or to eat a chocolate and enjoy it. There are no barriers or rules when two adults meet to share pleasure, intimacy and love. We are not performers as in porno movies. We don't have to pretend anything or expect anything. We are not there to compare or to be compared. We need not measure the time or quantify the pleasure!

It is all so simple really. We are beautiful and sensitive beings. We experience our sexuality in the whole of our body and mind. Although Tantra can be extremely stimulating, the purpose is not primarily to bring our partner to orgasm. Rather, it is to relax both the giver and the receiver and to bring emotions to the surface. The experiences and feelings that your partner may have during your meeting can be very varied. They may even include anger, sadness or indifference. Everything is possible and everything is allowed. Sex is not about focusing on a particular kind of feeling or fulfilling a specific expectation. The idea is simply to observe and to experience. As you learn, your sex life will be greatly enriched and you will find out a great deal about sexuality.

It has helped me in my personal life. Now I am teaching, working and sharing Tantra with you!

Consult me. You can ask me all you want to know about anything at all of this kind. This is even more true if it is something that you do not feel able to confide to anyone else.

I'm here for you: http://live.hegre.com/performers/fabi-tantra or you can visit me personally, make a reservation to learn with me, here: http://www.hegre.com/tantra/reservations

Fabi Jaya

Tantric Therapist and Counsellor
Certified Massage Therapist
Sexual healer
Tantra training in this ancient Indian philosophy for couples and individuals

Please follow me at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fabi.jaya
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TantraBarca


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Tantra and Sexual Taboos
Does Tantra really have no taboos in a sexual context?. The way is opened to all sorts of perversions -- including rape and violence -- if anything and everything is allowed in practice. Presumably, there is a fundamental principle of unforced mutual consent without which nothing is allowed. Or does the 'no taboo' principle apply only to discussions?. If so, this needs to be emphasised.

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