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Zaya 来自寒冷的西伯利亚,所以有机会和 Hegre 一起去热带的泰国对她来说梦想成真。现在,当她在普吉岛度过她的一天时,您可以在梦中跟随她从醒来到入睡。最后,您可以享受一次采访,并进一步了解她“远离家乡”的冒险精神。 当她从睡梦中醒来时,电影开始了。然后是瑜伽、刮胡子、洗澡和早餐。接下来,骑上摩托车前往海滩,享受裸泳和令人惊叹的荧光棒旋转。接下来,她去了镇上,欣赏了风景,甚至还跳了钢管舞。最后,回到家上床睡觉。 看完电影的大部分时间都是赤身裸体,当你看完后,你会觉得自己和扎亚非常亲近。她只是有能力吸引你,让你感到被需要。你离得越近,你就越能意识到这个女人拥有一切——灿烂的笑容、令人难以置信的身材和对生活迷人的开放态度。快来普吉岛和Zaya一起度过完美的一天吧!
Zaya hails from cold Siberia, so the chance to go to tropical Thailand with Hegre was a dream come true for her. And now you can follow her in that dream from waking to sleeping as she goes through her day in Phuket. And at the end, you can enjoy a capper interview and learn more about her adventurous “far from home” spirit.
The film starts as she stirs from her slumbers. Then it’s yoga, shaving, a bath, and breakfast. Next, it’s onto the motorbike and off to the beach for some skinny dipping and amazing glow-stick twirling. Next, she hits the town, enjoys the sights, and even does some pole dancing. Finally, back home and into bed.
Naked through much of the film, when you’re through watching you’ll feel intensely close to Zaya. She just has that ability to draw you in and make you feel wanted. And the closer you get, the more you realize this woman has it all – a bright smile, an incredible body, and a captivating openness to life. Come spend a perfect day with Zaya in Phuket!
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