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HEGRE 的第 964 部电影献给伟大而令人印象深刻的乌克兰国家的勇敢男女。 作为乌克兰的居民和一位乌克兰妻子,彼得·赫格雷一直对这个国家情有独钟。人们的热情、友善和诚实是无可比拟的。不用说,我们最受欢迎的许多模特实际上都是乌克兰人。 随着战争的进行,我们想提醒大家乌克兰是一个多么美丽的国家,并希望乌克兰人民拥有应有的未来。
HEGRE’s 964th movie is dedicated to the brave women and men of the great and impressive nation of Ukraine.
AS A RESIDENT OF UKRAINE and with a Ukrainian wife, PETTER HEGRE has always had a soft spot for the country. The warmth of the people, the friendliness and honesty have no comparisons. And we don’t need to mention that many of our most popular models are in fact Ukrainians.
As the war is raging on, we would like to remind everyone what a beautiful nation Ukraine is and hope for the future that its people deserve.
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